The Parish Hall Committee mission statement and organisational values can be found on this page.
Mission Statement
The Parish Hall is a community amenity given in 1910 to parishioners of East Worlington. As of 1920 it was bought by the Parish Council and “held upon trust for the purposes of the village hall for the use of the inhabitants of East Worlington and the neighbourhood (hereinafter called “the area of benefit”) without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions, and in particular for the use of meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants”.
As quoted from the CONSTITUTION dated 6th March 1962. Now known as a ‘Mission Statement’.
Our Organisational values
We have clarified a range of organisational values to guide what we do and how we do it. They are outlined below:
We believe in actively supporting the maintenance and further development of a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfill their potential, and we treat people as individuals, irrespective of differences, placing positive value on diversity in the community.
We believe in securing rural community sustainability and we actively:
- support learning across the community
- support local tradespeople by using their expertise and skills when possible
- support local food produces by using their produce for catering when possible
- encourage the potential for community (social) enterprise
We believe in supporting the quality of community life within a small rural community and we aim to encourage and contribute to
- community engagement and interaction
- community development
- community cohesion
- community good health and well-being
We believe our community deserves a needs-led service and facility and we strive to offer one, and respond, as much as is possible, to local needs and aspirations.
We recognise and understand the importance of good relationships and believe partnerships and collaborations are important to ensure our community can benefit from high quality Parish Hall resource and facilities.
We understand we live in a small rural community and believe that looking outwards to the international community enriches and adds value to our own community and we believe we can actively support other communities, especially in developing countries.
We believe there is always scope to improve our services and facilities and we value the contribution of vision, ideas, and feedback and recognise and support the importance of celebration of achievement.