We would like to make the public aware of a recent fake penalty notice scam which is sent by email, the email looks genuine and official and states that a penalty charge is due, the email normally contains a link to pay online, please do not click on links. To check a fine is genuine please use a reliable source of information to make contact to check. Please be wary of this type of scam with emails that contain links, links can take you to a phishing website that is used to steal financial information. If you have any concerns please phone 101 or email 101@dc.police.uk Suspicious emails can also be forwarded to the National Security Centre’s “Suspicious Email Reporting Service” (SERS) report@phishing.gov.uk and if you have fallen victim to a phishing scam, please report this to: Action Fraud: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ Message Sent By |